
时间:2023-03-05 18:58:01




Welcome to all the friends, everybody.

I am glad to see you, first of all, on behalf of our company's new state of Shenzhen national brigade, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you in this tour. I am lucky to be the guide of everyone. Thank you for saying "thank you". Let's introduce myself first. I'm the tour guide from Qingdao * * * Travel Agency (pause). My surname is Huang, and I have a single front word. You can call my name directly: Huang Feng. It's a sim ……此处隐藏9638个字……jesty. The varnish is shining luridly. I am sure all of you will enjoy this statuary.

Ladies and Gentlemen you must be very tired by now. No arrangement will be made for this evening. Tomorrow morning I will take you all to the airport. This is the hotel we will leave in tonight. Your morning call will be at 7:00 .then we‘ll have breakfast at 8:00. Thank so much to your cooperation and collaboration. I also wish that my One-day guiding can make your staying in Hunan Business College pleasant and enjoyable. Please give the best regards of everybody of our corporation to your family

May be we can see each other again some time. At last I hope that your visit to Hunan Business College will be a memorable experience. Thank you!!

